The Rollup Coaster #26

The Rollup Coaster is a bi-weekly newsletter that dives into the fascinating world of Ethereum, exploring the latest in rollups, zero-knowledge proofs, based sequencing/preconfirmations, MEV/PBS/SUAVE, and much more.

This edition is written by Taiko’s Community Advocate Jünger.

Hold on tight! 🎢

Disclaimer: This newsletter is neither financial advice, nor is indicative of Taiko’s position on any of the material presented. Please do your own research.

Highlights 🎢

  • Vitalik discussed ways to improve Ethereum's confirmation times by exploring different techniques, including single-slot finality and preconfirmations. He explains the current slot-and-epoch architecture and suggests modifications to achieve faster confirmations.

  • Jon Charbonneau shared an article titled "We're All Building the Same Thing," which covers various aspects of system design and performance optimization. The article also discusses the impact of these designs on transaction validity, consensus mechanisms, and cross-chain composability, highlighting the convergence of different blockchain systems towards similar architectures.

  • Ethereum execution client Reth 1.0 has been released after two years of development. It’s a very important milestone for the diversity of clients.

ZK and rollup research 🧙

  • A new paper titled "Asynchronous Consensus without Trusted Setup or Public-Key Cryptography" has been published. The paper introduces an efficient and post-quantum secure asynchronous Byzantine consensus protocol that operates without public-key cryptography and is practical for geo-distributed systems.

  • Ingonyama shared a paper about high-level polynomial framework and API for efficient Zero Knowledge Proofs in the ICICLE v2 library, abstracting hardware optimization for ease of use.

  • Donnoh (L2Beat) shared an article about the method of building the safest optimium.

  • A brief summary of Sumcheck Protocol by Aligned.

  • RISC Zero introduced zkVM 1.0.

  • Arbitrum introduced Timeboost, a new tx ordering policy for Arbitrum chains. It's basically a sealed-bid auction with a 2nd price, where the winner of the round gains a time advantage (not the right to order).

  • Two Zero Knowledge Podcast episode dropped.

    • This episode covers Bitcoin L2’s, BitVM and SNARKado (SNARK verifier on Bitcoin).

    • In the second one, Chiesa and Yogev discussed their latest book Building Cryptographic Proofs from Hash Functions.

  • Why will the future of zkVMs be based on RISC-V instruction set?

  • Taiko announced the milestones of Raiko (Taiko’s multi-proofs) in a blog post.

  • Path to Multisig-less Rollups by Toghrul from Scroll.

ZK and rollup updates 🗞️

Based sequencing and preconfirmations 😎

TEE (Trusted Execution Environments) 🫣


Additional resources 📚

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